Anna Ryder Richardson Publicly Endorses FinEstAm Log Cabins On Her TV Show Due To Be Aired On 30th November 2008.

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Anna Ryder Richardson publicly endorses FinEstAm Log Cabins on her TV Show due to be aired on 30th November 2008.

Annas Finestam Home On Channel 4

The TV Show “Chaos at the Zoo” about the building of Anna’s FinEstAm home and the refurbishment of her Zoo is due to air on Channel 4 on 30th November 2008. Anna of “I’m a Celebrity….. Get me out of here” fame bought the zoo when she had her self confessed mid-life crisis. She went from, “painting walls pink and scattering leopard spot cushions”, to cleaning out wild animals and dedicating herself to their conservation. In order to be able to stay on site and care for the animals, Anna and her family required a comfortable home that fitted in with the natural feel of the environment but still allowed them the luxuries that they have become accustomed to. FinEstAm stepped in and supplied one of their large, high specification log built mobile homes for the family to live in. The installation of the home will feature heavily in the programme. The log mobile home was installed in record time and has afforded Anna the benefits of living in a natural and eco-friendly home along with the security and comfort she needs for her family.

Finestam Goes From Strength To Strength

After a successful year the Dorset based company has opened a new office in Estonia where they manufacture the homes and has also developed three new models to be available for the start of next years season. Managing Director of FinEstAm, Tom Malla says, “Our sales have gone from strength to strength this year, with Anna’s assistance we are getting the message out to the general public; there are eco- logical solutions to the housing problems and they are affordable, they are not just pipe dreams.” Anna Ryder Richardson went on to add “Living in a log home has long been a dream of mine, FinEstAm made it a reality. I am trilled to have found a practical and comfortable living space, made from sustainable resources which allow us all to live at the zoo, with harming the environment.”

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